vw teilemarkt

kotflugel hinten/ Rear fender polo 2

  • Themenstarter

Hello everyone!
I'm from Norway and I love your little polos, unfortnate my polo got into little crash and my rear fender on the left side got broken. So does anyone here know where I can get one? Please send me an e-mail or a PM!


the english-word for fender is "stoßstange", not kotflügel !
that are different parts.

PS: @ = "Alt Gr" + "Q"

2. Nomen: fender
Gilt sowohl als auch.

Aber ist Stoßstange nicht eigentlich bumper?

  • Themenstarter

anyways, this is the part that I need:

gelöschtes Mitglied


    if the broken part of your polo is as big as you signed on the picture you'll need another complete polo.
    it would be helpful if you showed a picture of your car


    • Themenstarter

    I know what I need, its just that the part that I need have gone out of production and the Norwegian company who imports VW can't get me the hole panel..

    Hey and welcome , the parts you´ve got signed are in german:

    B-Säule, it´s that part at the door. The 2. part down it is "Schweller".
    The 3. it is C-Säule / Seitenteil.

    Are that the originalparts do you need to repair? Or you need Repairparts ?
    If you can make pictures of the mistakes do you´ve got ?
    So it is better to understand what kind of prob´s you have.

    So long

    • Themenstarter

    I need repairparts, I have not seen any aftermarket companies making these, but 2 years ago I saw that the local vw-store was able to order these for me, but now they have gone out of production. I need the whole panel on the left side. I'm going to try to get a picture of it from etka/akte..

    Hey, thank´s . In germany it is possible to order these repairparts.
    Because thats are not originalparts.

    it is right you need the left door , the left rear sidefender komplet and the
    frame down the left door?
    When it is right , I write it in german. I hope there is anyone to can help to find a Link of it. Maybe, you can order the parts in germany.

    Für alle die dieses lesen und dem Englisch nicht so sehr vertraut sind.
    Ich habe es so verstanden, daß @detuktioner sämtliche Reperaturbleche
    der linken Seite benötigt. Da sie in Norwegen anscheinend nicht mehr verkauft/ angeboten werden. Ich weiß aber das hier im Forum irgendwo nen Link dazu war, kann da vllt jemand helfen?

    Hey, I have found a Link. I hope it can help you.
    [Dieser Link ist nur für Mitglieder sichtbar

  • That´s the page, where you can order these parts I hope.

    god afternoon

  • @ jägerazubi
    der link ist inaktiv...den wollte ich ihm auch schon schicken

    ...aber hast du schon mal ein anderes rep.blech gesehen für hinten als den radlauf? ich habe noch nie gesehen das man z.b die b- oder c- säule nachkaufen kann...

    if you get some pictures of it i'm sure we can help you.than we can look for the parts and give you some links or order that for you

    auf der gesamten hoffmann speedster seite gibt es für den polo keine teile mehr...

    hey,@Steilomat , ja sorry habe ich eben auch bemerkt.Trotzdem danke ,
    bin aber noch auf Suche.

    Nein ich denke , er benötigt Seitenteil , Einsteigsblech , A-säulen Rep.-blech und evtl. noch andere. vllt. Unfall gehabt oder komplett Restauration.
    Aber ich habe schonmal von einem hier im Forum einen Link gehabt über ein Komplettseitenteil. Nur finde ich den nicht mehr.

    Unsere Polo´s gehen ja wegen der Abw.-Pramie langsam aber sicher zum Klassiker über.
    Habe eben bei Auto-Teile Pöllath nach nem Abschlußblech für´n 92er gesucht. Fazit: nicht mehr Lieferbar.

    Sorry ,the side that I´ve writen is inaktiv. I will be looking for other sides
    they you can get.
    Because we need other pictures of your car, thank you

    ja ich war auch letztens bei vw wegen dem abschlussblech und nicht mal die können das noch liefern

    most of the rapairparts arent available any more...we'll look for it but i think you have to get a whole car to repair your own...but lets see te pics first

    • Themenstarter

    Thank you guys!
    I will get some pictures, maybe today(hopefully), maybe tomorrow..

    • Themenstarter

    I cleared up some things with a friend of mine who understands car-technical words in German really good and he told me that the parts I need is a "Seitenteil" and a "Schweller". The "schweller" I can still get in Norway, but what I really need is the "Seitenteil".. Pictures for you curious people will come later today

    • Themenstarter

    Well now, this is it Find one thing that misses!

    damn this is a big part which is missing

    i have never seen this as a repairpart, but if it is available then we get it

    i'll look for it and jägerazubi too

    • Themenstarter

    Thanks, If any of you got etka/akte you can see the part there, but I don't have the part-number or a screen print of it. I used to have pictures and the part-number but, that is a few computers since!

    Thanks again!

    Hej, I`m just for a look her. Thank´s for the pictures. At weekend i`ll be look at some sides to order parts.
    Now i´m in Denmark . I drive Lastbil(Truck) .
    Is it not possible to look in Denmark for an other car to bild your up?

    I´ll call back att weekend

    maybe this page can help you

    [Dieser Link ist nur für Mitglieder sichtbar

  • you can switch it to english and u can search for partnumber (Teilenummer)


  • detuktioner
    • Themenstarter

    The best would be to get that part. I have bought a few used "seiteteile" and they where alle eaten up by rust. My car have only gone 60.000km, so I would really like a clean piece

    Thanks for the link El Jefe!

    • Themenstarter

    Hello everybody!

    It have been a great week(!) Last friday I went to the local Vw-dealer and talked to them, then it seem that I could order the "seitenteil" after all and today was the day when I picked it up, I even took a photo off it!
    Thanks for all the help here! Here is the Photo:


    hope you'll update us about your work on the car...
    good luck

    Hey, that´s great!
    I hope that too.
    You must going on to show us new pictures of your work!
    It´s fantstic and a surprise, that you find out parts of this. .

    So now i must leave, ny gast´s are arrived,let´s have party.

    #26 - 03.10.2009polo 2 parts att autoteile pöllath akte forum etka tp://www.google.de/imgres?imgurl=http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d119/detuktioner/dsc00128.jpg
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